Saturday, June 28, 2008

It's been a while...

Wow it's been a while since I posted here. Things are good....really good. I cleared my colonoscopy and do not have the FAP that my brother has. No FAP means no polyps which means no cancer. I was pretty freaked there for a while and really am viewing things differently. It's good to be home, good to have a loving wife at my side and great to have a family around me. It's awesome.

My summer plans were to spend as much time with the girls as I could and so far I've achieved that. With the economics the way they are we're not doing as many trips as I had hoped but we're still having fun so that's what counts.

I'm still riding, still running, and still working out. Things are in a good balance right now which is really nice.

I just ran into a really cool female rider that I wanted to mention. Her names Liz Hatch and she seems like a really cool person from her blog, and the articles I've read. It's neat to see someone my girls can look up. She's pretty, rides hard, she doesn't mind getting dirty and doesn't let up. The exact kind of women I want my girls to be when they get older. I doubt she'll ever read this but thanks, thanks for giving them a role model. Check her out at

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