Sunday, December 28, 2008

The need to train...

So I've got it all set in my head, I've posted about and announced by 4 year goal to the world and now I'm stuck! I'm stuck by one thing and one thing fitness level! I ran on Monday this week and Friday. Both runs pretty much killed my legs and both were only 30 minutes. I wanted to ride today so badly it hurt but I put it off. I told myself I was going to run twice this week and that's it. I don't want to injure myself and so I'm easing back into it...the problem? Well, my mind can still remember what I was doing at the beginning of the summer with 40 mile bike rides and 1 and a half runs. No way I can pull that off right now though.

So I made myself sit in the house and giggle with pleasure at the shlacking the Cowboys just took! I was supposed to ride tomorrow but I forgot about some obligations so it'll be either a 30 minute run in the evening or pushing the ride until Tuesday. So it'll hopefully be two rides and one run next week. And the opposite the week after that.

On to other issues. I'm wondering what people ride the most for endurance races/rides. I have two bikes that might be suitable. This one and

this one;

My problem is that neither of them are realy a pure XC machine but rather on the light side of AM and the Chameleon (the white bike) is really more in line w/4x racing right now. My other problem is that I think both bikes are to small. I think I need a large. So do I try to find a large frame and swap parts from the FSR or upgrade parts on the Chameleon and make it a true XC stud? I need to do some more research to see which will work out best.

Here's to good balanced training and the fun of researching bikes!!! :-)

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