Thursday, April 3, 2008

First Daddy/Daughter Day Hike...

So I came up with the brilliant idea of taking my 7 year old twin girls for a quick jaunt in the Santa Rosa Plateau. I had figured with all of the rain we had earlier this year that the Vernal Pools would be full. So I packed up a couple of snacks, a couple of water bottles and the camera before picing them up after school and off we went. It was a beautiful day with a few scattered clouds and some light sun. The temp was in the low 70's and the girls had a blast. They wanted to jog a bunch and were probably a bit loud but all in all it was fun. We did just under 2 miles and the girls are already asking for a longer hike. This is all in prep for our first daddy/daughter overnighter in June! Here are some pics of the girls at the trail head and some of the scenery we got to see.


allison said...

Looks nice out there!

jaltevers said...

It was, the weather and the company was awesome!

Unknown said...

That was cool what you did with your daughters. I need to take my daughter out like that more often.

jaltevers said...

It was and in fact they still talk about it. We just did our first camping trip a few weeks ago and I'll be posting a few pictures of that in a week or so I hope. It's stuff like this that I hope they'll remember for the rest of their lives.