Tuesday, April 22, 2008

It's Just One of Those Days...

Actually its not been a bad day or anything like that just feelin' a bit tired this morning and lacking the energy to actually do what needs to be done around here. I did get a ride in for the first time in like 4 weeks or so and that felt a bit refreshing. I continue to lose weight and I'm down to 200 now and I've dropped about an inch and a half off the waist line! It takes a lot of work though; My average week looks something like this.
Monday: Chest/Back and 40 minutes on Exercise Bike (followed by 8 hours at work)
Tuesday: Ride/Run/Climbing at Threshold Gym
Wednesday: Shoulders/Arms/Abs 40 minutes on bike
Thursday: 8 hours at work followed by run/ride
Friday: 8 hours at work then Legs/Abs 30 minutes on bike
Weekends I work but usually take the days off from exercise.

It's pretty crazy and for a week or two I was waay over trained but I backed off a bit and have brought it back up slowly and watching my nutrition a bit better seems to have leveled things out a bit.

I'd like to take a minute to send a shout out to my brother who is up in Washington right now under the knife having his colon removed. I know he's in for some rough weeks and months ahead but I want you to know bro that things will work out and you'll be right as rain before you know it!

That's it for me. Sorry about the lack of pics and flash but things have been fairly low key in my world. Just hanging out, training (not sure for what yet) and hanging with the family.

Take it easy world and as always keep the rubber side down!

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