Saturday, January 26, 2008

Another race is in the books...

I completed my second race and it was fun. I didn't do as well as I would've liked but I think that I got into my own head on this one. Also, I don't think I trained enough leading up to the race with a 7 day break in between rides. I came in last in my class but did improve on my time by 50 seconds so that was sweet. I had it in my head that I wouldn't be able to clean certain hills and sure enough I didn't. I needed a more positive outlook and I think a bit more riding would've helped. So my goal over this next two week break is to ride more, and on top of that more HILLS.

In more uplifting news, I raced my first 4x race and while I came in 5th or 6th out of 6 and I only got to run one run it was a blast and I think I'm a bit hooked. I'll need to upgrade the Chameleon a bit and most assuredly I need to buy a bit more protective equipment but I think I've been bitten by the 4x bug.

The folks over at STR got some great pictures of the day and I'll be uploading images as soon as they post them. So all in all not quite the results I was hoping for today but I do love the atmosphere and camaraderie which made for another great day!


allison said...

Which of the hills are you having problems on? I'm guessing the back side fire road that climbs up forever is one? Are you using granny gear?

Only climbing more makes it any easier ;)

jaltevers said...

Yeah it's that one. I've just not had much left by then so I agree more hills. I was out sprinting the 4x track this afternoon but the rest of this week will be spent on the FSR doing hills. I planning on getting a run on the XC course next week to. Thanks for swinging by the blog too.