Tuesday, January 1, 2008

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!

Well this is it, the first day of '08! I think this year may be a good one in terms of playing in the dirt. I've really gotten into doing my thang out in the dirt. I've made some friends at STR and gotten hooked up with some great rides recently. I'm really close to taking the plunge and buying the tent trailer I've been wanting for like 2 years and I might very well splurge and purchase a kayak...another item I've been wanting for more years than I can imagine. On top of that I hope to be doing some upgrade to the bike over the next several months. I see great things for 08 indeed.

I'm not one for new years resolutions so I won't take the time to really make any. However I do want to get in a week long road trip this year. I tried to do the Grand Canyon but that has not worked out so I'm looking at Moab now. I'm also shooting for at least 5 nights of camping this year. I know it doesn't seem like much but since I only have one night last year this is could be a big thing. I don't even care if its car camping or backpacking but it'd be cool if it was a mix of the two! I guess the only other thing I'd like to try this year is to participate in November 08's 12 hours of Temecula. I also will continue to run and plan on getting at least two good runs (5 miles for me right now) a month in for the entire year.

On the riding front, I got in a great ride Friday evening with some guys from STR over at Santa Rosa - Sylvan Meadows. It was pretty fun and I felt really strong on the bike. We rode for just over an hour and I did some trails backwards from my usual route. The backwards route turned out to be almost as much fun if not more than the route I normally take which was cool. I helped another guy out who was having a harder time than myself and I practiced some of my 'berm' riding which really kept the flow up through the little up & down hilly section. Good area, good people, good bike = AWESOME RIDE!

No pictures from this ride but I'll try to get some pictures posted in my next post. Hope everyone has a great and safe New Year. Keep the rubber side down.

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