Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Another Day in paradise...

Well it's Friday for me today and I can hardly wait to get it over with. Tomorrow I'm taking the family on a little trip to Disneyland and it should be a blast. The weather couldn't be more perfect for it and hopefuly we'll miss the Thanksgiving crowds. It's always a blast to hang with my girls. For those who don't know they're twins and 6 years old. I have found that at this age the world is so new to them and someplace like Disneyland is just magical. I remember before they were born I was pretty much done with the whole place but since I started taking them, its like experiencing it all over for the first time each time we've gone. It should be a blast.

My little nugget of wisdom;
"If we live our ives continually motivated by anger and hatred, even our physical health deteriorates."
His Holiness the Dalai Lama

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