Saturday, November 24, 2007

Who needs an energy drink....

When you can get out and ride who really needs to worry about some new sports fad? I mean I got home from work this afternoon at nearly 3:15, I was beat but the kids and the wife were all out watching "Enchanted" so the house was quiet. I stood in the middle of the living room frozen, the couch calling my name, the TV was practically flickering on as I stood there but from somewhere deep in the house came another voice! I walked into my office to put away my gear and there was my Chameleon, how could I refuse!? So I ignored the couches sweet siren call and suited up for a ride. I knew that it'd be a shorter ride and I wasn't trying to train (for what I'm not sure) and I wasn't trying to see how long I could stay out.

I just wanted to RIDE!

So I threw a leg over my HT and off I went. I felt like a kid again hitting every curb I could summon the energy to jump off. I can only imagine what my neighbors were thinking (of course they're probably used to it by now! lol). I hit dirt and off I went. It's a bit of a small frame for good XC riding but i lowered the Tora 302 fork as low as it would go and dug deep here and there to clear a few uphills I probably couldn't have ridden on the Heckler. When I got near the end I extended the Tora again and flew home jumping everything I could, heck I even impressed a couple of 12 year olds on BMX bikes. I laughed as I bunnied a football lying in the street.

So now here I sit with a grin from ear to ear and happily sitting in sweaty riding gear full of energy and ready to get the evening chores done. The kids should be home soon and all will be right with the world. Yep who needs an energy drink when you can ride! Take care all and keep the rubber side down!

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