Thursday, January 15, 2009

It's just one of those days....

So I woke up this morning all gung-ho to get things done. Yesterday ended up being a write-off of a day and today I was gonna get up take the kids to school/sitters and hit the road bike for a quick run around Elsinore. I figured about 20 miles today and some good times. I was planning on following that up with a nice healthy lunch and some packing!

Instead I got up to a sick daughter followed by too much time on the computer followed by....well its still early but I figure I'm gonna end up on the Wii for at least an hour! With the ride snatched away I seem to be lacking the motivation to do much of anything.

I know I need some cheese with my whine but hey that is what blogs are for...right! ;-) Alrighty it's off to try and salvage this morning and see if I can't get a couple of boxes packed up. Here's a pic...just because!

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