Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Man I feel like crude. I have this head cold that is really kicking my butt. I felt okay yesterday and got a nice jog in before work but as the day wore on I just kept feeling worse. Now I'm sitting here facing another 8 hours of work in the cold and not wanting to go in at all.

You know I sit here and I read the blogs of folks like Luke, Allison, and Kerkove and I boil with envy at their form, physique and ability to ride for hours on end while I sit here and feel as if I'm pushing myself with an hour in the saddle! I know that pushing much more than that right now could lead to injury but it can be frusterating...especially when you know you've done way more time on the bike in the past. Stupid school for getting me off my riding! lol Running for 35 minutes is a start but man I can hardly wait to get my times up into somthing somewhat close to 'epic'!

I'm supposed to ride tomorrow but I think with the kids off I'm going to spend the day with them which then leads me to the hard truth, I need a trainer! I could get a good hour spin in and spend the time with the girls instead of an either/or situation. hmmm

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